- 书名:Engendering the Chinese Revolution
- 作者:Christina Kelley Gilmartin,柯临清
- 豆瓣评分:⭐8.8
- 出版社:University of California Press
- isbn:9780520203464
- 出版日期:1995-11-1
- 价格:USD 33.95
- 豆瓣:Engendering the Chinese Revolution
Christina Kelley Gilmartin rewrites the history of gender politics in the 1920s with this compelling assessment of the impact of feminist ideals on the Chinese Communist Party during its formative years. For the first time, Gilmartin reveals the extent to which revolutionaries in the 1920s were committed to women’s emancipation and the radical political efforts that were made t…
- 👻: 看到男性女性主义者,一面嚷嚷让女人站出来,一面又不准老婆出门工作,让享受特权的人放弃特权永远都是说的比做得好听
- 😗: 向警予等女性切实为女权运动作出了杰出贡献。拉伸至今日来看,却是男权主导下的女权,女性媒介、喉舌全部掌握在男性手中,大众看到的都是被“允许”的女权。当时的男性或者说与女权运动先驱者有关系的男性,其附和支持的原因主要是大历史需要,以及在可控范围。当下,警惕一类男性,主要表现为标榜自己支持Feminism,实则骗流量、骗P;还有一种表现为本书时代的女权是真女权,国外所有皆虚妄,何时女权需要男性来画框?
- 👻: 太經典了. 寫得真的很好. Trailblazing and truly groundbreaking. Already look forward to re-read this text again.