- 书名:The Companion Species Manifesto
- 作者:Donna Haraway
- 豆瓣评分:⭐8.9
- 出版社:Prickly Paradigm Press
- isbn:9780971757585
- 出版日期:2003-4-1
- 价格:USD 12.95
- 豆瓣:The Companion Species Manifesto
The Companion Species Manifesto is about the implosion of nature and culture in the joint lives of dogs and people, who are bonded in “significant otherness.” In all their historical complexity, Donna Haraway tells us, dogs matter. They are not just surrogates for theory, she says; they are not here just to think with. Neither are they just an alibi for other themes; dogs are f…
- 😗: 看的过程时不时会想起家里曾养过的一只古牧,不禁反思到,我现在着迷于后人类主义,是不是也和这种经验有关?
这是一篇私人化的,叙事化的宣言,尽管也采用了一些历史化的阐述,但是这避免不了文本在核心问题上的模糊不清 ,尽管这或许就是哈拉维的写作目的。这个问题是,怎么面对他性的问题,尤其是那种不可被赛博格吸收的他性?如何构建一种自然文化?我们明白,一种人类中心主义的“无条件的爱”,“血缘崇拜”,“殖民主义的… - 🤖: “当他学会用肉体姿势向她表示跨物种的尊重时,她和他就互为意义重大的他者了。”
- 👽: 论人狗双修,“狗狗的青春活力对异性生殖霸权意识形态构成讽刺”。不太是对动物的诚挚理解,是人太看得起自己,越描越黑
- Emergent Naturecultures
- Prehensions
- Companions
- Species
- Evolution Stories
- Love Stories
- Training Stories
- Positive Bondage
- Harsh Beauty
- Apprenticed to Agility
- The Game Story
- Breed Stories
- Great Pyrenees
- Australian Shepherds
- A Category of One’s Own