Technology, Gender and History in Imperial China


  • 书名:Technology, Gender and History in Imperial China
  • 作者:Francesca Bray
  • 豆瓣评分:⭐8.1
  • 出版社:Routledge
  • isbn:9780415639590
  • 出版日期:2013-6
  • 价格:USD 51.95
  • 豆瓣:Technology, Gender and History in Imperial China


What can the history of technology contribute to our understanding of late imperial China? Most stories about technology in pre-modern China follow a well-worn plot: in about 1400 after an early ferment of creativity that made it the most technologically sophisticated civilisation in the world, China entered an era of technical lethargy and decline. But how are we to reconcile …




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