Feminism and the Politics of Resilience


  • 书名:Feminism and the Politics of Resilience
  • 作者:Angela McRobbie,安吉拉·默克罗比
  • 豆瓣评分:⭐0
  • 出版社:Polity
  • isbn:9781509525065
  • 出版日期:2020-6
  • 价格:
  • 豆瓣:Feminism and the Politics of Resilience


In this short and provocative book, cultural studies scholar Angela McRobbie develops a feminist account of neoliberalism. Highlighting the ways in which popular culture and the media actively produce and sustain the cultural imaginary for social polarization, she shows how there is substantial pressure on women not just to be employed, but to prioritize working life. She fierc…




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