- 书名:Why I am Not a Feminist
- 作者:Jessa Crispin
- 豆瓣评分:⭐8.3
- 出版社:Melville House
- isbn:9781612196015
- 出版日期:2017-2-21
- 价格:USD 15.99
- 豆瓣:Why I am Not a Feminist
Are you a feminist? Do you believe women are human beings and that they deserve to be treated as such? That women deserve all the same rights and liberties bestowed upon men? If so, then you are a feminist… or so the feminists keep insisting. But somewhere along the way, the movement for female liberation sacrificed meaning for acceptance, and left us with a banal, polite, inef…
- 😗: 當注意到把「the patriarchy to unmake itself」翻譯成「父權制度自我恢復」的時候就果斷棄了台譯本…思考再三還是決定打三星,原因在於它其實並沒有我所預期的那樣好。對時下「偽女權」尤其是hypocritical action of middle-class white women的批判很中肯,但背後ideologically motivated分析尚淺,且敘述邏輯雜亂。最終…
- 😗: 有一些深刻的片段:成为一个feminist(为女性争取权利)的最终目标(结果)究竟是利于一个特定群体,还是利于整个人类群体?如果不是利于一个更大的群体,那么是否就是一种自私的表现?power给予女性力量,但是事实上并非真正女性权利的象征,更可能是self-help、成功学、精英主义(于是,针对更为弱势的女性,她们该怎么办)。(总之女权这条路真是不是表面上喊喊口号。)
- 👽: 主体思想不错(反思社达精英女权),但逻辑太混乱了,很多argument其实也可以用来攻击她自己,开头还写得挺好,越到后面越离谱
🧐讀書筆記 –
有闪光点,但总体逻辑混乱不成体系,通篇抨击假想敌,各章节观点互相穿插,最后也不知道她到底反对的是谁、支持的是什么、以及觉得应该怎么做,只知道作者很生气,太生气了。从脉络的模糊、观点的重复到用词的随意(一段大意不外乎“如果你是男性读者你滚吧”的插入完全没有必要),都让人觉得不如精简为一篇 blogpost。
A feminism where everyone is comfortable is a feminism where everyone is working for their own self-interest, rather than the interest of the …