- 书名:Women in the Chinese Enlightenment
- 作者:Wang Zheng,王政
- 豆瓣评分:⭐9.6
- 出版社:University of California Press
- isbn:9780520218741
- 出版日期:1999-7-5
- 价格:USD 33.95
- 豆瓣:Women in the Chinese Enlightenment
Centering on five life stories by Chinese women activists born just after the turn of this century, this first history of Chinese May Fourth feminism disrupts the Chinese Communist Party’s master narrative of Chinese women’s liberation, reconfigures the history of the Chinese Enlightenment from a gender perspective, and addresses the question of how feminism engendered social c…
- 🌞: 或许任何群体的解放都只能靠自己,靠其他人往往会偏离本意甚至于被利用。百年前的前辈们就已经知道自立自强的重要性,愿我们现代女性能在为女性赋能这条道路上走得更远。陆校长的故事尤其让我动容,中途泪目了好几次。
- 🌞: 主持人时间没控制好,一不留神大家就分享了近4小时,基本在闲聊这些妇女怎么惨,没有围绕问题展开讨论。这些妇女49年前都好厉害啊!之后事业基本都陷入停滞。最惨是黄定慧,一切听从组织分配,从来没有为自己做选择。最酷是陈泳声,哪个党派也不靠,不舒服就走,一生换了无数职业,还曾中了头等彩票去德国看世界杯,我们都对这个细节耿耿于怀!
- 😗: 妇运总是如此荡气回肠激动人心。“做个女人”并不是简单的回归和倒退。如果没有了解到这段记忆会是很遗憾的有代价的事情。我有责任了解更多并让它们保持“旅行”。
🧐讀書筆記 –
Wang’s monograph was a reflection of women’s movement during the May Fourth era (which, according to her definition, spanned from the Republican Revolution to the end of 1920s). A scholar on Chinese women’s history, Wang questioned, examined, and eventually disavowed the Chinese Communist Party’s self-proclaimed contribution to Chinese women– that the benevolent party bestowed the liberation and emancipation to Chinese women who were denied freedom in the feudal society before 1949. Wang conducted extensive interviews with May Fourth women, those highly educated female activists who were born in or shortly after 1900 and actively participated in the feminist movements. Among them, Lu Lihua (1900-1997. 陸禮華) was the founder and principal of Liangjiang Women’s Physical Education Normal School (兩江女子體育專科學校). Zhu Su’e (朱素萼, 1901- ?) was an attorney who opened her own l…