Career and Family


  • 书名:Career and Family
  • 作者:Claudia Goldin,克劳迪娅·戈尔丁
  • 豆瓣评分:⭐8.3
  • 出版社:Princeton University Press
  • isbn:9780691201788
  • 出版日期:2021-10-5
  • 价格:GBP 22.00
  • 豆瓣:Career and Family


A century ago, it was a given that a woman with a college degree had to choose between having a career and a family. Today, there are more female college graduates than ever before, and more women want to have a career and family, yet challenges persist at work and at home. This book traces how generations of women have responded to the problem of balancing career and family as…


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