- 书名:The Souls of China
- 作者:Ian Johnson
- 豆瓣评分:⭐0
- 出版社:Penguin
- isbn:9780141986081
- 出版日期:2018-1-25
- 价格:GBP 10.99
- 豆瓣:The Souls of China
China is in the midst of one of the world’s great spiritual awakenings: some 300 million Chinese currently practice a faith, while tens of millions more follow personal gurus, populist masters and New Age sages. This astonishing revival began in 1982 when the Communist Party pledged to allow what it thought would be a small-scale practice of religion under government supervisio…
- 👻: 开头结尾引的都是同一句尚书,而作者对宗教在中国文化里的必需性和政治性的理解其实也都在这句话里了,全书都非常像那一段,“人心惊疑,如居风涛,汹汹靡定,上自朝列,下达蒸黎,日夕放党聚谋,咸忧必有变故。” (确实是个好写手,很细腻也懂递进,说作者写陕西李家有点像刘震云也是夸奖,当然全书最煽情自然是那一句,she doesn’t need to participate, she’s got faith!)
- 👻: 不说立场的问题,民俗志方面的内容很有趣,但是作者对招摇撞骗的神棍是过于同情了。