- 书名:Women and National Trauma in Late Imperial Chinese Literature
- 作者:Wai-yee Li
- 豆瓣评分:⭐8.4
- 出版社:Harvard University Asia Center
- isbn:9780674492042
- 出版日期:2014-8-11
- 价格:USD 69.95
- 豆瓣:Women and National Trauma in Late Imperial Chinese Literature
The Ming–Qing dynastic transition in seventeenth-century China was an epochal event that reverberated in Qing writings and beyond; political disorder was bound up with vibrant literary and cultural production. Women and National Trauma in Late Imperial Chinese Literature focuses on the discursive and imaginative space commanded by women. Encompassing writings by women and by me…
- 👻: 里面提到的cross-gender挺有意思,当gender成为一种表达后,用来维系社交圈、友谊等等的观点非常有意思。看的时候诗歌的分析会很distract读者注意力,但还是很佩服作者可以把每首诗都这样来翻译、分析。
- 🤖: 「身無可戀甘為鬼,國到難興願化煙」。以明清易代的國族創傷中女性身體、意志、話語、抉擇為探究對象,通過豐富/冗雜的歷史文獻與文學加以文本細讀從而細緻呈現性別越界上的社會文化觀念的折現與新構,觀點多得如逛大觀園,詞彙使用諸多標新,以至於始終屏住呼吸聆聽父權與國難雙重壓制的女性聲音。🚩 #讀而靈#110
- 😗: 「身無可戀甘為鬼,國到難興願化煙」。以明清易代的國族創傷中女性身體、意志、話語、抉擇為探究對象,通過豐富/冗雜的歷史文獻與文學加以文本細讀從而細緻呈現性別越界上的社會文化觀念的折現與新構,觀點多得如逛大觀園,詞彙使用諸多標新,以至於始終屏住呼吸聆聽父權與國難雙重壓制的女性聲音。🚩 #讀而靈#110