- 书名:Young Woman and the Sea
- 作者:Stout, Glenn,Glenn Stout
- 豆瓣评分:⭐0
- 出版社:[]
- isbn:9780618858682
- 出版日期:2009-7
- 价格:198.00元
- 豆瓣:Young Woman and the Sea
In 1926, before skirt lengths inched above the knee and before anyone was ready to accept that a woman could test herself physically, a plucky American teenager named Trudy Ederle captured the imagination of the world when she became the first woman to swim the English Channel. It was, and still is, a feat more incredible and uncommon than scaling Mount Everest. Upon her return…
- 😗: 建议中文名翻译成《老娘与海》太励志太燃太好哭了
- 😗: 序言就被惊艳了,没想到一个写体育的作者可以文笔这么好。美国的写作训练营确实可以训练出很多写作技巧很娴熟的作者,技巧一看就是很熟练工种,蛮厉害的。
- 🌞: 建议中文名翻译成《老娘与海》太励志太燃太好哭了