- 书名:翻译的技巧
- 作者:钱歌川
- 豆瓣评分:⭐8.9
- 出版社:世界图书出版公司
- isbn:9787510036613
- 出版日期:2011-8
- 价格:56.00元
- 豆瓣:翻译的技巧
- 🌞: 快速扫完,感觉语法点比较基础,而且用的词都比较老,所以看着有点吃力,比如我们理解的谓语动词,作者用的是述语。还有将来时,作者用的是推量….但是觉得后面当代英美名作摘译非常不错,可以自己翻译了之后再对比,应该会有作用!
- 🌞: 作者饱读诗书,故书中多匠心独具、引经据典。深入浅出风雅独存,是本好书。
- 🤖: 大师之作,值得敬仰。翻译不只是一门技术,更是一门艺术,可惜的是,因为工作中不太需要那么多英语,我看本书的时候很过瘾,但是看完就差不多忘了。
- 序
- 第一编汉译英与英文句型
- 壹、由要素来分的造句
- (1)汉文易写英文难通
- (2)动词的种类和变化
- (3)动词与五种句型
- (4)第一句型的自动构造
- (5)第二句型的不完全自动构造
- (6)第三句型的他动构造
- (7)第四句型的授与构造
- (8)第五句型的不完全他动构造
- 贰、由构造来分的造句
- (1)用单句来翻译
- (2)用合句来翻译
- (3)用复句来翻译
- 叁、由内容来分的造句
- (1)用平叙句来翻译
- (2)用疑问句来翻译
- (3)用命令句来翻译
- (4)用感叹句来翻译
- 第二编英文惯用法及其翻译
- 1.It的造句
- (1)“it……不定词”
- (2)“it……for……不定词”
- (3)“it……动名词”
- (4)“it……子句”
- (5)“it is……子句”
- (6)“it……名词”
- Ⅱ.名词的造句
- (7)“all+抽象名词”或“抽象名词+itself=very+形容词”
- (8)“the+单数名词”的特殊用法
- (9)无生物的主语
- (10)“something(much)of”,“nothing(little)of”
- (11)属格的主格作用和宾格作用
- (12)“名词(A)+of+a+名词(B)”
- (13)“名词+of+属格+名词”
- (l4)“of+抽象名词”=形容词,“of 从略+普通名词”
- (15)“onesown+名词”,“of onesown+动名词”
- (16)“have+the+抽象名词+不定词”
- (17)“that(those)+先行词+关系代名词”
- (18)“one thing……another”
- Ⅲ.As的造句
- (19)“as……as”的三种用法
- (20)“as……as any”,“as……as ever”
- (21)“as……as……can be”
- (22)“as……so……”
- (23)“It is in (or with)……as in (or with)”
- (24)“as much”,“as many”,”like so many”
- (25)“as good as”,“as well as”
- (26)句首的“as it is”,句尾的“as it is”
- (27)“过去分词+as it is”,“现在分词+as it does”
- (28)“名词等+as+主语+动词等”
- Ⅳ.动词的造句
- (29)“may well+动词”,“and well+主语+may”
- (30)“may as well……as”,“might as well……as”
- (31)“so that……may”,“lest……shodd”
- (32)“cannol help+动名词”,“cannot but+原形不定词”
- (33)“have+宾语(物)+过去分词”
- (34)“have+宾语(人)+原形不定词”
- (35)“have+宾语+副词(地点,方向等)”
- (36)“have+宾语+现在分词”
- (37)“find oneself”
- (38)“find……in”
- (39)“do”的两种用法
- (40)“depend on”的两种用法
- (41)“know……from”
- (42)“had better+原形不定词”,“would rather+原形不定词”
- (43)“make……of”
- (44)“make ones way”
- (45)“rob……or”
- (46)“seize……by the
- (47)“see if……”,“see that……”
- (48)“take……for granted”
- (49)“used to+原形不定词”,“be used to+动名词”
- (50)“be+自动词的过去分词”
- (51)“否定+fail+不定词”
- (52)“动词+原形不定词”
- (53)“leave+much(nothing)+to be desired”
- (54)“be+不定词”
- (55)“have+不定词+宾语”,“have+宾语+不定词”
- (56)“prevent+宾语+from+动名词”
- (57)“persuade+宾语+into+动名词”,“dissuade+宾语+from+动名词”
- Ⅴ.不定词的造句
- (58)表目的、原因、结果等的不定词
- (59)“so as+不定词”,“so……as+不定词”
- (60)“too……+不定词”,“not too……+不定词”,“too……not+不定词”
- (61)“only too……+不定词”,“too ready+不定词”
- (62)不定词的感叹用法
- (63)“not to speak of”,“not to say”
- Ⅵ.动名词的造句
- (64)“There is no+动名词”
- (65)“for+the+动名词”
- (66)“above+动名词”
- (67)“worth+动名词”
- (68)“far from+动名词”
- (69)“busy+动名词”
- (70)“on+动名词”,“in+动名词”
- Ⅶ.否定词的造句
- (71)“no more……than”
- (72)“no less……than”
- (73)“not so much……as”,“not so much as”
- (74)“Nothing is more……than”,“Nothing is so……as”
- (75)“cannot……too”
- (76)“否定+without”
- (77)“否定+but”
- (78)“否定+until(till)”
- (79)“not so……but”,“not such a……but”
- (80)“not A but B”,“B,(and)not A”
- (81)“否定+because”
- (82)“not because……but because”
- (83)“not that……but that”
- (84)“否定+every(all,both,always,quite)”
- Ⅷ.What,who的造句
- (85)“what he is”,“what he has”
- (86)“what+名词”,“what little+名词”
- (87)“what with……and what with”,“what by……and what by”
- (88)“what is+比较级”
- (89)“A is to B what X is to Y”
- (90)“who+肯定”“who+否定”
- (91)“疑问词+should……but”
- (92)“who knows but(that)”
- Ⅸ,条件及让步的造句
- (93)省略if的句法
- (94)“If it were not for(=Were it not for)+名词”,“If it had not been for(=Had it not been for)+名词”,“But for +名词”,“But that +名词子句”
- (95)“命令句+and”,“命令句+or”
- (96)“名词+and”
- (97)“动词+疑问词”
- (98)“no matter+间接疑问句”,“疑问词-ever+may”
- (90)“动词+as+主语+助动词”
- (100)“if any”
- (101)“be it ever(或never)so”,“let it be ever(或never)so”
- (102)“once”
- (103)“were to”
- (104)含有条件意味的字眼
- Ⅹ.形容词副词的造句
- (105)“the+形容词”的两种用法
- (106)最上级形容词含有 even 之意
- (107)“the+比较级……the+比较级”
- (108)“the+比较级+理由”
- (109)“the last……+不定词”,“the last……+形容词子句”
- (110)“so+形容词(副词)+that”,“so+动词+that”
- (111)“so that”
- (112)“so much so that”
- (113)“such……as”,“such……that”
- (114)“比较级+than”,“more+原级+than”
- (115)“more……than+can”
- (116)“more than+动词”
- (117)“less……than”
- (118)“much more”,“much less”
- (119)“would sooner (rather……than”,“would as soon……as”
- (120)“no sooner……than”,“hardly……when”
- (121)“anything but”,“nothing but”,“all but”
- (122)“short of”,“be short of”,“nothing short of”
- (123)“ever so”
- (124)“good and 的副词用法”
- (125)“to ones+感情名词”,“to the+感情名词+of”
- (126)“so far”,“so far as”,“so far as……is concerned”
- (127)“and that”
- (128)“at once……and”
- (129)“in that”
- (130)“It is true……but”
- Ⅺ.其他的造句
- (131)“one”,“as such”
- (132)“one thing……another”
- (133)“in+人物”
- (134)“before的四种译法”
- 第三编 疑难句法及文章译例
- 壹、英文类似句辨异
- 贰、常易译错的文句
- Ⅰ.中译英
- Ⅱ.英译中
- 叁、翻译实例
- I.中译英
- (1)郑燮致弟书
- (2)中国的山水画
- (3)为学
- (4)光与色
- (5)教学相长
- (6)翻译文欠通顺
- (7)学无所用
- (8)画蛇添足
- (9)嗟来食
- (10)老与少
- (11)雕刻奇技
- (12)狐疑
- (13)怕伞的姑娘
- (14)偷窃狂
- (15)狐假虎威
- (16)习惯说
- (17)黔之驴
- (18)少年孔融的机智
- (19)绝妙好辞
- (20)韩信忍受跨下辱
- Ⅱ.英译中
- (1)Too Clever Not to See
- (2)The Busy Broker
- (3)Speculation on Important Subjects
- (4)A Feeling of Eternity
- (5)The Spirit of Fair-play
- (6)On D.H.Lawrence
- (7)On Books
- (8)Arguments against Smoking
- (9)The Definition of a Gentleman
- (10)The Law of the Jungle
- (1l)Some Well-informed People
- (12)The Enslish Humour
- (13)The Trouble with Translation
- (14)Too Distinguished to be a Personality
- (15)Schadenfrcude
- (16)Aloneness is Worse than Failure
- (17)Being Ones True Self
- (18)Happiness Consists in Love
- (19)The Cosy Fire of Affection
- (20)Irrational Man
- 附 录:
- 当代英美名作摘译
- (1)William Plomer:On Not Answering the Telephone
- (2)Louis Kronenberger:A Note on Privacy
- (3)Lawrence George Durrel:Justlne
- (4)Lawrcnce George Durrel:Mount-Olive
- (5)P.H.Newby:A Parcel for Alexandria
- (6)Muriel Spark:The Girls of Slender Means
- (7)J.D.Salinger:The Long Debut of Lots Taggett
- (8)J.D.Salinger:The Catcher in the Rye
- (9)Iris Murdoch:The Bell
- (10)Iris Murdoch:The Flight from the Enchanter
- (11)Truman Capote:Breakfast at Tiffanys
- (12)Truman Capote:Breakfast at Tiffanys
- (13)James Baldwin:Notes of a Native Son
- (14)William Styron:Lie Down in Darkness
- (15)William Styro:The Confessions of Nat Turner
- (16)Stan Barstow:Gamblers Never Win
- 习题解答