- 书名:Women, Property, and Confucian Reaction in Sung and Yüan China
- 作者:Bettine Birge
- 豆瓣评分:⭐9.1
- 出版社:Cambridge University Press
- isbn:9780521573733
- 出版日期:2002-1-7
- 价格:USD 79.99
- 豆瓣:Women, Property, and Confucian Reaction in Sung and Yüan China
This book argues that the Mongol invasion of the thirteenth century precipitated a transformation of marriage and property law in China that deprived women of their property rights and reduced their legal and economic autonomy. It describes how after a period during which women’s property rights were steadily improving, and laws and practices affecting marriage and property wer…
- 🌞: Bettine 成名作,抓住了蒙元作为思想史,性别史,和法律史intersecting的turning point,文本解读兼具敏锐性和reasoning的严谨,收继婚一章是全书最代表性的部分。PS当了一学期氛围组成员表示一边讨论,一边吐槽道学家们在被金元入侵后psychologically attempt to retrieve their lost masculinity via (femal…
- 😗: 指出元代女性为避免levirate marriage特别强调贞洁。许多学者都指出蒙元是chastity cult的起点。
- 🤖: 比較有趣的部分當然是元代對之後朝代婦女財產權的影響。影響主要有兩個,其一,宋代婦女的財產權較強,但是元取代宋之後,蒙古的收繼婚以及對父系家庭的財產的強調,與理學推崇父權的觀念,兩者合流,因此,元代後期以及明清婦女財產權逐步減弱;其二,因為元代前期對收繼婚的許可,導致保持widow chastity成為婦女保證自己財產獨立的一個alternative option, 所以丈夫死後守貞逐漸流行。元代是…