From Eve to Dawn


  • 书名:From Eve to Dawn
  • 作者:French, Marilyn
  • 豆瓣评分:⭐0
  • 出版社:[]
  • isbn:9781558615656
  • 出版日期:2007-12
  • 价格:$ 22.54
  • 豆瓣:From Eve to Dawn


” Marilyn French] draws on a vast body of research and help from consultants in all sorts of fields, to open out areas that are rarely accessible.”-“Guardian””As a reference work it’s invaluable: the bibliographies alone are worth the price. And as a warning about the appalling extremes of human behavior and male weirdness, it’s indispensable.”-Margaret Atwood, “The Times” (Lon…


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