- 书名:The Bonds of Love
- 作者:Benjamin, Jessica
- 豆瓣评分:⭐0
- 出版社:Random House Inc
- isbn:9780394757308
- 出版日期:1988-7
- 价格:114.00元
- 豆瓣:The Bonds of Love
Why do people submit to authority and derive pleasure even others have over them? What is the appeal of domination and submission, and why are they so prevalent in erotic life? Why is it so difficult for men and women to meet as equals? Why, indeed, do hey continue to recapitulate the positions of master and slave? In The Bonds of Love, noted feminist theorist and psychoanalyst…
- 🌞: 围绕着intersubjectivity这个概念来分析domination,尤其是服从者为什么甘心忍受的问题,从前俄狄浦斯的母婴关系谈到俄狄浦斯阶段的背弃母亲,从中寻找社会性别不平等的根源。受Winnicott、Stern等人启发很大,也提到了乔多罗的母职再生产,但认为乔多罗没能根本解决问题,而是将问题不断推给上一代。但作者的解决方式和乔多罗比也并没有先进或实用到哪里去,还是认为主要问题在父亲而非…
- 🌞: 围绕着intersubjectivity这个概念来分析domination,尤其是服从者为什么甘心忍受的问题,从前俄狄浦斯的母婴关系谈到俄狄浦斯阶段的背弃母亲,从中寻找社会性别不平等的根源。受Winnicott、Stern等人启发很大,也提到了乔多罗的母职再生产,但认为乔多罗没能根本解决问题,而是将问题不断推给上一代。但作者的解决方式和乔多罗比也并没有先进或实用到哪里去,还是认为主要问题在父亲而非…