- 书名:All the Dangerous Things
- 作者:Stacy Willingham
- 豆瓣评分:⭐0
- 出版社:Minotaur Books
- isbn:9781250803856
- 出版日期:2023-1-10
- 价格:USD 27.99
- 豆瓣:All the Dangerous Things
One year ago, Isabelle Drake’s life changed forever: her toddler son, Mason, was taken out of his crib in the middle of the night while she and her husband were asleep in the next room. With little evidence and few leads for the police to chase, the case quickly went cold. However, Isabelle cannot rest until Mason is returned to her—literally.
Except for the occasional catnap o…
- 👻: 【美音泛听】上次冲着Narrator(Karissa Vacker)找的其中一本,果然声情并茂,让这本page-turner更加入味了。
虽然女主贱批小三(知三当三,三人者恒被人三了吧)&对儿子不算上心&有梦游前科,但作者就是旨在塑造这样不完美的母亲和女主,倡导关注女性尤其是为人母的女性的心理健康……吧。对女性心理、夫妻关系、贱男德行、母子关系、母女关系都还刻画得不错。昨晚凌晨刚好听到讲… - 🤖: 英文有声书,前期的女主又自我怀疑,又对别人疑神疑鬼,干的事都莫名其妙,看着让人着急。女主和她父母也是够服的,这么多年来关于妹妹是怎么死的的交流,竟然最后是个巨大的误会。。。而且完全不能理解女主面目模糊的ex到底是有什么魅力每次都能吸引到年轻女孩再非法甩掉上一任。
- 👽: 女性產後困境與心態還蠻能relate to的,就真的娃出啥事都always blame the mother,父親永遠缺位/ 不太懂what those three women see in Ben,完全沒有get到他的魅力點